And here I am, back after a span of, I guess few months; so
many blogs to write but not finding time at all because all time goes for my
No matter how much frustrated, stressed or depressed you are,
once you see your kid all your pains vanish and where has it vanished you do
not know nor you care about it; once you are with them you are all energized up
to roam around them.
You shout, you scream, you play all stupid games, you make
faces and what not; with your kid, you too become a kid. You become an improved
person because your speed increases manifold; speed at which you eat, do any
work and walk increases many times because end of the day you don’t wish to
miss even a minute being apart from them. Sometimes you wish to have ten hands
or more so that you can finish all the extra jobs fast and then spend the rest
of the time with your kid. You no more shop for yourself, you shop for your baby
and if some bandwidth is still left you shop for others.
Making your kid eat is a big task (bigger than those
deadlines at office) and once you and they are done with it, you feel full even
if you are hungry. You see them grow day by day, moment by moment but still
when you think how they looked, how they behaved months before, you end up
feeling that you don’t remember those exactly which in turn makes you doubtful
that whether you have spent time with them or not.
Day by day they turn smart and naughty and when they pretend
to be very innocent although we know that they are not, makes you feel that “OK
baby, I know its you” but even you pretend that you did not understand just to
make your kid feel that they are smarter than you; all this game of hide and
seek is the most lovable thing to cherish.
The moment my son comes running to me as soon as I reach home
can seldom be explained. I remember once he was out with his grandfather for
quite long time and someone gave him a chocolate; as he came home, he did not
see me around and even though he was small, hardly spoke anything but still he
called, “MAA” and then I went to him and he showed me his chocolate; I was surprised at his this gesture. Although,
these are simple things but still these are special because it’s the mother and
kid bonding.
He was born; he used to sleep all the time, then he turned
around, then he crawled, then he walked and now he runs around everywhere,
throws things, pours oil can on bed, locks his granny in room, jumps around,
imitates everyone around him - I
remember the day he was born with his eyes wandering here and there and I keep
wondering whether its him only.
So many feelings, so many emotions, so many expressions but still
the love will never change it will always be constant. Kid makes the mother
feel so special because end of the day, he needs her and nothing else and this
dependability makes motherhood exceptional.
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